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Directors, take your story idea from script to screen in this guided directing craft intensive.​


Course meets on Sundays from 10A - 1P PST on the following dates:

Dates: June 4, 11, 18, 25 and July 9, 16, 23, 30 [Note: no class meeting on Sunday, July 2]

No class make-ups will be arranged if student is absent, but they will be offered if instructor has an emergency.


Each class meeting length: 3 hours

Format: Zoom Meeting


This class is limited to 10 directors. (6 spots are available)

Application is required.

Applications include script submissions (pdf) are required for all directors.

  • Script drafts must be already written and submitted via pdf upload with director's application.

  • Scripts don't have to be written by the director, but the director must have written permission from the writer.

  • Scripts can be any genre and ideally are 15 pages or less, not to exceed 20 pages.


Course Fee / Discount Sliding Scale Tuition:

$1200 Course Fee - if application is processed, admission offered and payment is made by May 1

$1500 Course Fee - if application is processed, admission offered and payment is made by May 15

$2000 Course Fee - if application is processed, admission offered and payment is made by May 22

$2500 Course Fee - if application is processed, admission offered and payment is made by by June 1


The application process explained: 

Step 1) Submit your application and script (pdf) using this submission link.

Step 2) Dr. Raimist will read your script and consider if your idea feels ready, producible and how it will contribute to class community.

Step 3) If you receive an acceptance email you have 48 hours to accept and pay with link provided (fee dependent on date, see above)

Step 4) How acceptances and payments work: A: Directors can accept an offered spot but must pay within 48 hours. 

B. Accepted directors can decline the spot or, C. Accepted directors can request to be deferred for possible future enrollment date, if space in the course are available. Class is limited to 10 directors so students who defer are not guaranteed a spot in the course.

If you have questions about the application process, please email



Topics & order of classes are subject to change at the discretion of the instructor.


Week 1: Sunday, June 4 from 10A - 1P PST

The role of the director in the short film.

Table Read: 10 page excerpts of scripts

 Homework: Revise your script, determine your shooting dates


Week 2: Sunday, June 11 from 10A - 1P PST

Director Voice & Vision: Do research, develop look and style (create look book and gather visual references

Homework: Start your project KEYNOTE for prep and Screen Directing exercises (using cell phone app)


Week 3: Sunday, June 18 from 10A - 1P PST

Pre-production Process: Script breakdown, tips for location scouts, casting process and hiring your team

Homework: Dig into your director's prep process.


Week 4: Sunday, June 25 from 10A - 1P PST

Director's Prep Process: shot listing, storyboarding, blocking and planning using Keynote for prep

Creative collaborations with Dept Heads: develop clear communication with your team working in art, props, wardrobe, hair, makeup, DP, camera, stunts, choreographer, sfx, vfx. stunt coordinator, intimacy coordinator and other key areas

Homework: hire your team, start dept meetings with creative collaborators


No class meeting will be held on Sunday, July 2.


Week 5: Sunday, July 9 from 10A - 1P PST

Visual Pre-production and deeper director's prep and how to work with your DP and AD to make it happen

Homework: Director's prep materials - blocking, shot list, blocking using Keynote 


Week 6: July 16 from 10A - 1P PST

Prep for Set: directing actors, working with your crew and navigating set decisions and other production issues

Homework: Director's prep materials - blocking, shot list, storyboard and Advance your Look book (casting, wardrobe, hmu looks, etc)


Plan your shoot and film a least a scene!


Week 7: July 23 from 10A - 1P PST

Navigating Post-Production: how to do great notes for Editor's Cut, process of editing (assembly, rough cut & picture loc cuts)


Week 8: July 30 from 10A - 1P PST

Share Your Work: screen selective dailies and cuts of scenes and share your lessons learned from on-set directing (if you've shot)

Discussion of film festival strategy, types of festival, distribution plan and how to gain traction and maximize exposure with this short


Bonus Finale Session: 1:1 Office Hours

Each director gets one, individual one-on-hour office hour meeting as part of the final class session.

This date can happen in August or September 2023, depending on when director shoots, edits & when will be most useful.


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The DIRECTING THE SHORT FILM application is open for submissions: HERE

Admissions are on a first-come, first considered rolling basis until ten spots are filled.


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For more information, about your instructor Dr. Rachel Raimist please read her bio here.


Note: this class is modeled after directing classes I have taught for many years at Bama, Syracuse, Temple, UCI, Carleton College and others. Intense deep dive that has been where my students create and direct shorts that win big awards! See some of their stories HERE.


For more information, please email

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