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The Basics of Blocking
This 90 minute online seminar will teach director's prep and how to break down and block a narrative scene.
Length: 1.5 hours
Format: Zoom Meeting
This course is for all levels of directors from student to working director.
This course offering has closed.
If you would like to learn the information covered in this course, please email to schedule
a one-on-one coaching session where you can learn blocking and how to prep your floor plans and shot lists with Keynote.
In this session, participants will learn:
Use digital tools (Keynote & Scriptation) to prep floor plans and shot lists for narrative scene directing
Craft creative & effective blocking using the free software Keynote (or similar software)
Understand the basics of coverage and filming with single and multiple cameras
Approach blocking two hander, three hander and small group scenes for scripted scene work
Block stationary scenes: sitting, standing and table scenes
Design basic moving shots: fluid masters, oners and other cinematic shots
Creative and efficacious approaches to narrative scene directing to help you make your day
For more information, please email